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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My God, at work..

Yesterday the craziest thing happened. So, just to catch you up, we are closing on the lot we bought next Thursday and it will finally be ours. We decided that we would not be in any hurry to get out of our house; however, we are putting it out there (maybe eve get a "for sale by owner" sign in the yard) and if the right offer falls in our lap, so be it!

Well, I pulled in the neighborhood from teaching zumba last night and the guy that built our home (and has 2 other lots for sale in our culdesac) and a couple were talking outside beside the two lots. Being kind of nosey, we walked over to say hi to Bruce and meet the couple talking with him. Long story short, they just sold their house on the westside of town (in 3 weeks--lucky!) and want to buy a lot and build. They said the funniest thing too--"We said on several occasions that we would come knock on your door and ask if you would be willing to sell your house." I was thinking....well, hey, we want to sell it. Want to buy?? hahaha!

Since Bruce built our home, we told them that they are welcome to come in and look at our home anytime. So, it turned out they came in last night, toured our home, and loved it. I mentioned to them (when Bruce was out of sight) that we actually were selling if they were interested, we exchanged phone numbers, and that was that! I'm so curious if they'll call or not. It' no biggie if they don't call, but it's neat the way things happen like yesterday.

I ask the Lord daily to unfold His plan for my life right in front of my eyes. I don't always do the right things, say the right things, or be the right things, but I know my Lord loves me for who I am and truly desires that intimate relationship with me. The more time I spend with Him, the more I learn, and can see the awesome things He's doing in my life. I don't know what the future holds or when certain things will fall into place for me/my family, but I trust the Lord will show me in His timing. This little occurrence yesterday just reminded me that the Lord is looking out for us and will give us everything we need in the right time.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Girls bachelorette weekend...

This is a week overdue, but I wanted to share some pics of our bachelorette weekend:) Jessica, my best friend, is getting married July 9, 2011 and we had such an amazing time in Isle of Palms.

A few pics from the weekend:

Some of the girls watching Jess open her gifts

Jessica got us monogrammed beach towels..super cute!!

She got some really cute stuff!!

Dressing up the table!

The GORGEOUS cake I got her!! It was soo yummy!

Me being picture happy after we got home from being out on the town!

Anna being silly!

Yay for Margaritas!

"We are having a great time..." lol!!

The bachelorette and me headed to dinner!

We had such a good time, and I can't wait for July 9th to get here! I love you more than words Jessica!! xoxoxo

Monday, June 20, 2011

The next move...

Once again, another cycle has begun. Just like clockwork, which at least makes me happy since my cycle was so irregular for a while. Today was bittersweet. I kind of knew it was coming, and I'm ok with that. It came, I didn't cry, but I just thanked the Lord for another beautiful day I was able to wake up to an amazing husband, family, friends, job, LIFE.

I know the Lord is just waiting for that perfect time to surprise me with "you're pregnant." I joked with some friends this weekend about how I can never be surprised. I knew about my "surprise" 16th birthday and when everyone jumped out, I had to act like I didn't know. I pretty much knew when my husband was about to propose, even though to this day he probably doesn't believe I knew. I know what every present for Christmas or birthday will be. I just always have had an idea as to when things were going to happen for me, except this whole getting pregnant thing hasn't really followed the pattern.

Now the question is where to go now. The OBGYN told me a while back to go ahead and do 6 cycles of Clomid and if that didn't work we would talk about what to do next. But, I don't think I want to do the other 2 rounds. I just have a feeling something else is going on. The Clomid is making me ovulate, which is its job, but I'm not getting pregnant, so I think I need to get checked out by a fertility specialist. I called the phone nurse at my OBGYN today and left a message for her to ask my doctor what she thought about going ahead and recommending me to a specialist. I haven't heard back yet, but I hope I can. I think the HSG test is the next move to make, but until I hear back I'm just going to wait on scheduling anything. I would really like for my insurance to pay at least a little bit of what the test costs, but they won't unless it is deemed necessary by my physician. I hope by now, she will see that it is definitely necessary.

On another more happy note, we signed the contract to by the lot on the east side of town closer to my parents, work, etc. and the owners signed back! Now, we just have to close on the lot and it is ours:) I don't know how fast or slow this process will go (selling our home, building another) because I've never dealt or been around this kind of process before. I'm trusting that the Lord will continue to provide for our family and everything will work out in his timing. I'm excited to see what He has in store!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Girls' beach weekend...

Ah...the beach was amazing this past weekend. We had amazing weather and just a fantastic relaxation time together. On the first day we walked out onto the beach and took this pic:

L to R - Mandy, Elizabeth, and me

This is Topsail Island. It is in North Carolina and quite a little drive from Spartanburg; however, it's totally worth the drive. The island is quaint and not too packed like Myrtle Beach. We laid out on the beach Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday and came home Monday. It was an excellent trip.

I decided to try something new with my hair. I've always been interested in new hair styles, so I decided to YouTube "How to fishtail braid your hair." I learned and this was the result:
By the way, I have feathers in my hair, so that's what the blue is. It turned out pretty good for my first time if I do say so myself.

We went out to eat to some wonderful restaurants. You know, sometimes you choose a place and are disappointed with the food or service, but we didn't have that problem at all! We got the famous Long Island Pizza:
It was amazing! We got this delivered last time we went to Topsail, but this time we decided to go eat in! I can't wait to go back and have more of this pizza.

We also went to a place called Cheri's that's open only certain parts of the year (summer). We had crabcakes, steak, potatoes, cole slaw, etc. The hushpuppies were amazing too:) Here's a picture of us after dinner with a beautiful ocean background:

Last but definitely not least, we decided to ride around and look at some of the beautiful beach houses. Elizabeth showed us a place where you can drive onto the beach and watch the sunset. Lots of people had driven onto the sand, so we decided to try it. This was the result:
We got STUCK! Since Mandy was driving her car, she was freaking out. Luckily, we had some people assist us with pushing it backwards while Mandy hit reverse. It ended up working and we got out. We will never try that again!

Well, as I post, I'm getting ready for another trip to the beach tomorrow through Sunday. I have been planning my BFF's bachelorette weekend for a while now, and I can't believe it's already here. We are headed to Isle of Palms in Charleston so we should have lots of fun! Can't wait to post pics of this weekend. Until then...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

To the beach we go!

The time has finally arrived:) Our girls weekend we have been talking about for so long is finally here! I'm all packed up, house is clean, dog is groomed, and the hubby has free reign in the home for 5 days! The plan is to soak up lots of sun, read a good book, eat some great food, and relax! Can't wait to get there! Catch you guys when I get back:)