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Friday, March 9, 2012

House update 50% done!!

Well, we had a surveyor come out to check on progress last week and we were 47% finished which is so fantastic. So, we've got about 3 more months if everything goes as planned and we will be IN OUR NEW HOME! Here's some updates since last time: Brick masons came to brick the sides and back of the house, plumbers came in and were finished in about a week and the electricians have been here all this week and have a few more things to do with rough electrical. Next week, we should see some major exterior changes (which is always nice) because the siding is going up! Can't wait for that. Here's some pics from the last few weeks:
Brick masons were quick and efficient!

 Progress with the brick!
 Entire back is done!
 Fire box inserted
 all the necessities for plumbing
 Our two aquaglass bathtub/showers were installed!
 Master shower plumbing!
 Enter electricians: all the receptacle/switch boxes
 Canned lights being installed
 Wires starting to go everywhere!
 Hot mess!
Down in the basement...yikes!

Can't wait for the rock and siding guys to get here and get the rest of the exterior done, not to mention the roofers with the shingles! Hopefully all that will get done within the next 2-3 weeks! More later!