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Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year, New House, New beginnings...

Well, happy new year a little late guys:) I just realized I've been so busy that I haven't updated the blog since December. I hope everyone had an amazing Christ-filled Christmas and New Year celebration. My family laid low and just hung out together. Since the new year, I am super excited about what 2012 has in store for the Hill household.

We are still currently living with my parents as our house is slowly but surely being built. Tomorrow is the first day the framers are supposed to start working. However, rain is in the forecast. So, we'll see if tomorrow is actually going to work out to be the first day of framing. It may be Tuesday. But, it's just nice to know it's finally time to start seeing this thing go UP! I'll keep you posted on pics as new stuff starts happening on that front.

Since September 2011, I've been a member at the Spartanburg Athletic Club and have really enjoyed their fitness classes. I've been doing group power, group kick, and group core along with some cardio every now and then. I realized that my body is not supporting all the bad eating habits I used to be able to get away with, so I'm really having to train myself to eat better (and smaller portions) and exercise almost everyday. Hopefully I can shake some of this weight off. Along with those classes, I am going to start teaching ZUMBA there! The pay isn't great, but I'm super excited I will have my membership free! That will be wonderful in the summer when I can go to the pool and exercise at the same place FOR FREE! Nothing better (since I have all summer off--PERKS of being a teacher)!

On the baby front, we still have had no luck getting pregnant; however, I must say, we really haven't tried as much as we did when we were "actively trying." I think Jason and I are at such a wonderful point in our lives where we are super content, but yet we completely trust that the Lord will provide a baby for us in His time and in His way. Whether it be biologically or adoptive, we are open to both. We actually went to a meeting tonight at our church about adoption. Our church really wants to help stand by people who feel the calling to adopt and the meeting was just to launch this initiative and get people together who were interested in fostering, adopting, etc. So, I was so encouraged and happy to see so many people there that will be alongside us through the process when the Lord tells us it's time. I feel as though once the house is finished, we will be ready to start the process, but as we all know, our timing and what we think is right, sometimes is not. So, I'll just say we will wait on the Lord's timing and will act when He tells us to!

So, that's just a brief update on us, and again, I hope everyone has a fantastic week filled with blessings!

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