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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another 5 minute doc visit

So, I met with Dr. Toler today to talk about maybe getting the HSG test done. I don't really know what I expected to get out of the visit, but being 24 years old, I think she would rather me just do the next 3 months of Clomid, and THEN if I'm still not pregnant, that test would be necessary.

Mind you, the test is like a $700 test. So, that's hard to foot too! I called my insurance company to see how much if any they would pay and I really didn't get a direct answer for that either. While they do cover some of that test IF the claim is accepted, if it's not deemed a necessary procedure, they won't cover anything. So, my guess is that since I am still young enough where really (to everyone else) there's no hurry or worry of not getting pregnant immediately, I doubt it would be covered.

So, after talking to Jason and my mom I think sticking with the Clomid a little longer is not a bad idea. I'm not the most patient person, but I think waiting to do this test is probably the best decision for us right now. Please pray for us as we are having to be patient and follow the Lord's guidance. It can definitely be tough.


  1. The HSG test is not so bad, since this whole journey I have gone for one twice!

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do and if you need any help with anything - let me know!

  2. thank you so much:) I think I'm going to ride out the next three cycles of Clomid and if nothing happens, the test will be my first priority! I'll definitely come back for advice about the test when/if I have it!
